Nandalal Gadiya is the invitee Member of the
Guardians the foundation. We invited Gadiya sir for their vast
knowledge ,study & experience in education field which are useful to
the trust. Gadiya sir runs the very reputated tuition classes under
the name Mahavir Tuition Classes.
In the first meeting Gadiya sir has
given assurance to the trust that he never demands any fees from the
student of the guardians.Gadiya sir has always given very important
trips for the students.
Adv.Jayesh Keshav Bhavsar is the invitee
Member of the Guardians the foundation. From the first days Jayesh
Bhawsar has been joined us. He is very helpful to the guardians the
foundation. Many times he had contact with the students. Since
beginning he had been actively worked and search all the information
regarding orphan students. He had visited the government remand home,
Lilaya Aashram and observed how the orphan students would complete the
higher education .
When he realized that government has been only
taking the responsibility of the orphan students upto education of
tenth class. Therefore he criticized the actual fact with the other
guardians and therefore joined with the guardians who formed the trust
Guardians .